Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Justin!!

We were so lucky to go to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for our summer vacation this year. We stayed in this huge house with eight master bedrooms that was set on a beach with wild horses running around. The best part of our trip was that most of our family was able to be there and help us to celebrate Justin's first birthday!!

It was so much fun to set up Justin's beach party themed decorations and make his surf board cake with my family. They were all a huge help and we realized how much we really miss them.

Justin was the center of attention with all of them too and he ate it right up. He would do something cute and everyone would cheer and clap. Next thing you know Justin was exaggerating his every move just to get bigger, louder reactions. Such a little ham...I wonder where he gets that from?

Most excitingly though was when Justin took his first steps!!!! Two days before his birthday he started taking three and four little steps on his own. By the time we left he was almost running with assistance...that being an adult holding his LEFT hand. He knows what he wants!

Now he is really working on talking. There isn't anything coming from his baby lips that is really recognizable, but some of his babble is sounding more like plain English to my Mommy ears. He definitely has a word for dog that sound something like "bab" and then he will try to bark. So stinking cute I can't stand it!!

Surf board cake

The decorations

Mommy and the Birthday Boy!

Let the celebration begin!

This is delicious! My first chocolate!

He got Daddy!!

Kristin, Mimi Mary and Me

Most of the Rueppell Clan

Us, Grandama T, Donna and Chris, Sophia, Tyler and Brent

1 comment:

  1. hello! we need new pictures of that adorable baby!!!!!!!!!! he is probably doing lots of new and outrageously cute stuff and I don't even know about it :)
