Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 6, My First Mommy Blog

Well, it's the morning of day 6 and we are feeling pretty good. My Dad is here and made fresh cinnamon rolls for breakfast so we have full bellies and we only got up two times last night. YEAH! Now that we have milk, we are all sleeping a little easier. However, with the milk comes a mess. Milk face and dirty diapers. We gave Justin a bath this morning to clean up all that mess and he decided to give us a shower too! Good thing I had the towel covering him so we didn't get pee pee everywhere.

Yesterday was a big trip to the pediatrician to have his new baby exam. Everything checks out great. Collin and I were feeling a little concerned on our way there since Justin hadn't pooped in a day and a half, but WOW did he make up for that. While we were in the waiting room, Justin was working on a big surprise. A diaper full of poop! I have never laughed so hard over or been more excited about a dirty diaper. The clean up was a two man job with more wipes than we were prepared to use, but it was relieving to know that the pipes are working.

It seems like we are starting to get into a little routine with each day being easier than the last. We are learning new things about each other everyday and our love of our family grows deeper. I haven't figured out how to express my feelings about being a mom because they are so overwhelming and wonderful in a way that I couldn't have imagined. I already wish I could go back and relive parts of this experience where the memories are fading, but I know there is so much more to come.

Here are some of my favorite pics from the week...

Hours before the little monkey arrived

I didn't believe it when Collin told me he had a cone head. Guess I was wrong:)

Love at first sight

First pic with Nana Mary

A proud Daddy

More with Nana Mary

First time in the car seat

My new glider chair is getting worn in pretty quick!

Nice and relaxed

First pic with Grandpa a.k.a. "Big Guy"

So peaceful


  1. Thanks for posting all these pictures! I love seeing them since I can't be there and the updates are making me feel like I'm there! Miss you guys terribly, glad all is well. Love you, and hopefully I will be able to make a trip out there soon.


  2. No doubt about it - Justin is adorable! Love seeing him in his little outfits. Can't wait to see him in person again - Cheryl
