Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 14, Two Weeks Old!!!

These have been the most emotional, exhausting and exhilarating two weeks of my life. Our little monkey has made it to day 14 and the most amazing part is that we have too! Collin, Justin and I have been falling into a routine at night where I get Justin up and nurse him, Collin changes his diaper and then we try to eat some more. When he is full, I put him on my chest and drift off while Collin waits a few minutes and then puts Justin in his bassinet. So far so good, but it's definitely getting harder to open up my eyes in the dark when I start to hear the squawking. If he could only sleep just a little longer...oh wishful thinking.

The biggest news since our last post is that on day 10 Justin lost his little belly button. We were on a walk and stopped by our friends house to catch up when Collin saw a little something on the sidewalk. To our surprise, it was the button! It must have come off when we were picking him out of his car seat and passing him around. As soon as we got home, I put it in a little baggie not knowing what to do with it and I wasn't willing to let it go yet. It's still in that baggie.

So, now that there is no belly button, we got to give Justin his first real bath last night. He didn't scream nearly as much as I thought he would. I think he might have actually liked it a little. We did learn a few lessons. Next time we will have warmer water and a better set up for the tub since it doesn't really fit in the sink very well and it made for an interesting splash during the tubby.

Things just keep moving along and I can't believe it's already been two weeks. Tomorrow is his two week appointment with Dr. Khanna so we are hoping all goes well.

Here are some more pics...

Little Monkey

Big Guy and Justin

After a good meal

Snuggle time with Mommy

My first bath


  1. He is just beautiful. I am so happy for you all and just can't wait to see him again.
    Love Gama Shari

  2. So glad you guys are doing well over there. Justin looks beautiful, I hope I get to see him soon! Love you all,

